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DuverとSeaviewの周りを不思議に思いました。 Duver は、ワイト島の砂丘を表す言葉で、主に北東海岸 (Ryde から St Helens) に見られます。
What's a duver?
Duver is the local Isle of Wight word for dune, and are primarily found on the North East coast (Ryde to St Helens). These have been largely reclaimed, but there are two large ones remaining now;
- St Helens - The largest of them all and managed by The National Trust
- Seaview - Smaller, and now forms a major part of Hersey Nature Reserve
Remnants of others can be often be found in place names on the Island. Dover street in Ryde is named after the old dunes that used to exist in the reclaimed land where Monkton Mead Brook once met the sea.
We went for a nice walk around St Helen's Duver, which was once the first golf course on the Island and had a quick pint in The Vine Inn in Seaview itself.